ISC2 Alberta AGM - Wednesday, May 29

We want to hear from you! Apply for the open board positions.
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ISC2 Professional Spotlight

Congratulations Shawn Thompson - The newest Professional Spotlight member
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BSides Edmonton Sept. 23-24, 2024

The dates have been set! Check the official site details.
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Globally, ISC2

... is recognized the Gold Standard in Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and related certifications. ISC2 offers a wide range of certifications including Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP), Certified Cloud Security Professional (CCSP), Health Care Information Security and Privacy Practitioner (HCISPP) and many more.
New graduates are encouraged to check the Associate designation.
Bringing Security Professionals and Alberta Businesses together

Raise your profile


Corporate Involvement

Supporting the local security community and access to Alberta's security professionals and decision makers are just some of the benefits that our sponsors achieve.
ISC2 is pleased to offer exciting sponsorship opportunities that will drive more traffic, provide unprecedented exposure and secure your status as an information security industry front runner.
  • Enagage the security community
  • Help Promote Security Awareness
  • Educate and Inspire